
Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques

Origins of the Web - Computerphile

How one tweet can ruin your life | Jon Ronson

Babbage's Analytical Engine - Computerphile

Illegal Numbers - Numberphile

The Backwards Brain Bicycle - Smarter Every Day 133

The Josephus Problem - Numberphile

The Seven Bridges of Königsberg - Numberphile

Fermat's Little Theorem

Password Cracking - Computerphile

Why Chip Credit Cards Are Still Not Safe From Fraud

Operating System Command Line Tools - CompTIA A+ 220-902 - 1.3

Professor Messer's A+ Study Group - October 2016

The Town Where Wi-Fi Is Banned: The Green Bank Telescope and the Quiet Zone

How NOT to Store Passwords! - Computerphile

5 Fun, Easy Projects You Can Try With a $35 Raspberry Pi

When Computers Changed the World

Glenn Greenwald: Why privacy matters

3 is not the loneliest number - Numberphile

666 - Numberphile

Infinity is bigger than you think - Numberphile

Professor Messer's Security+ Study Group - September 2016

Subnetting Made Easier

CompTIA: Let’s Make Tech Her Story

IBM PC - Computerphile

Elon Musk elaborates on his AI concerns (2016.9.15)

Satellite Navigation - Computerphile

Thinking About Getting an Arduino? Watch This

The mind behind Linux | Linus Torvalds